MILAN – No ” Bella ciao”, no “Giovinezza” as it was initially envisaged. The Festival of Sanremo list of songs to be sung on the evening of February 17, 2011, dedicated to 150 anniversary of the unification of Italy has been announced. The evening event will be titled “Created to unite” with a double reference to Italy and to the music. Gianni Morandi explains the reasons on the selection : “We realized that on the evening dedicated to the 150 anniversary of the unification of Italy “Bella ciao” and “Giovinezza” would have divided instead of uniting, so they have been removed,” said the presenter of the next Sanremo Festival , returning on the controversy triggered by the initial decision to include the two songs in the playlist. Those songs would have created not only friction, but also organizational difficulties. “Many artists were willing to sing “Bella ciao”l, and only some “Giovinezza”,” said Gianni Morandi. The director General of RAI, Mauro Masi, says “Rai as a public service has decided to take an institutional commitment to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy in a manner that is more appropriate: to convey the meaning of recurrence to a wider audience as much as possible and with a non-elitist approach, “he said. “This evening – Masi continues – is wanted by me, both the President and the Board of Directors and institutions. We believe that Sanremo can do so much while respecting the significance of the event. ” From its part, the president of RAI, Paul Garimberti, stressed that it is imperative that an event like San Remo reserves an evening dedicated to the unification of Italy based on solidarity, “the 17th of February will be a special day in the lounge of San Remo because it will be the day when the song is mixed with an important anniversary: the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy, exactly one month before the solemn celebrations. ” “We asked the artists to record these songs, ‘he added Morandi” to create a CD that will leave evidence of this evening dedicated to the historyof Italy. Here is the list of titles, with interpreters:
Patty Pravo, Mille lire al mese
Nathalie, Il mio canto libero
Roberto Vecchioni, ‘O surdato ‘nnammurato
Giusy Ferreri, Il cielo in una stanza
Luca Madonia con Franco Battiato, La notte dell’addio
Max Pezzali, Mamma mia dammi 100 lire
La Crus, Parlami d’amore Mariù
Anna Oxa, ‘O sole mio
Modà-Emma, Here’s To You, La ballata di Sacco e Vanzetti
Tricarico, L’italiano
Al Bano, Va’ pensiero
Anna Tatangelo, Mamma
Luca Barbarossa e Raquel Del Rosario, Addio,mia bella, addio
Davide Van De Sfroos, Viva l’Italia.