Scenic funeral in the heart of Naples, Forcella, for Amalia Stolder. She was the wife of Carmine Giuliano, the godfather of the historical namesake clan of the Camorra.
Some scenes tell the story. Eight black horses and a black carriage marching solemnly in the heart of Naples is a scene from The Godfather film style or the like.
It happened yesterday in the early morning. Eight black majestic horses have crossed the lanes of Forcella for a funeral, that of Amalia Stolder, widow of the boss Carmine Giuliano, she died at 51 years for an incurable disease. A luxurious ritual, of other times to emphasize the prestige of the deceased. If from the criminal point of view the clan Giuliano is no more, in the Forcella area the family is still deeply rooted and feared, hence the decision to hold a funeral in grand style, with Baroque-style hearse and horses harnessed all point.
Sister of the boss Raffaele Stolder, Amalia was the widow of Carmine Giuliano, brother of chieftain Luigi , who is now justice collaborator and lives far from Naples.
Nicknamed “ ‘o lione” the lion, Carmine, who died in 2004, was best known for the photos, taken in the eighties, portraying him with Diego Armando Maradona in a bathtub-shaped shell. Carmine was one of the eleven children of Pio Vittorio Giuliano, the patriarch who died in 2009 and who in the fifties had made a fortune smuggling cigarettes. Together with his brothers Guglielmo, Raffaele and Salvatore, he supported for years the eldest son Louis, “o rre” the king of Forcella, leader of the clan. Another brother, Nunzio, dissociated himself and was later assassinated in cross revenge for a 2005.
Bitter opponents of Raffaele Cutolo, the Giuliano formed with other criminal groups the Nuova Famiglia. Masters for decades of Forcella, allies from other clans such as the bloody gang of the mail, Giuliano became rich through smuggling, extortion, sale of counterfeit goods and drug smuggling. Then, in the late nineties, came the decline, with the arrests that decimated the ranks and the decision to all the brothers to collaborate with justice. To his regret, in particular, Luigi Giuliano had to pay a heavy price: the killing of his brother Nunzio first, then of his son John, which took place in 2007.
Source: http://napoli.repubblica.it/cronaca/2011/03/30/news/funerale_con_sei_cavalli_neri_per_la_donna_del_boss-14269013/?rss