Great results for “Che bella giornata“, in the first two days of programming the film has grossed more than 7 million €. It ‘s the best ever earnings for the Italian box office, more than they got for “Avatar” and “Harry Potter”
ROME – Historical cash record for “Che bella giornata” the new Italian the movie starring Gennaro Nunziante alias Checco Zalone: in the first two days of programming the film has earned 6 million 800 thousand Euro, according to Cinetel data. This is the all time record for the Italian box office: produced by Taodue and distributed by Medusa, the film had the highest grossing earning past Avatar and Harry Potter.
Zalone is in his second film after the success of “Cado dalle Numbi” (more than 14 million at the box office). Distributed in over 800 copies in Italy, the film recounts the vicissitudes of Checco, security man of the Cathedral of Milan, who is enticed by Farah, an Arab student who wants to make an attack with some accomplices to the Virgin Mary statue. From here a series of gags – of course also linked to the Apulian Checco and his family – that ridicule both the terrorists (defeated on the day of the attack not by police but by a feast of mussels) and Italians as Checco confuses Islam with the nation of all Arabs.
This is an aspect which has brought to the film, just before coming out, some criticism and some controversy. One of the phrases in question is one that makes fun of the Italian peacekeeping missions in war zones done – as a character in the movie says – not for the ideals but just to pay the mortgage on the house. “The sneer – specifies Zalone – is only in regard to us Westerners. The irony is on us not on them. For example there is Rocco Papaleo who plays my father in the film and it is no coincidence that Nicholas in the film plays a military in Iraq. And in fact he is a man who prefers to be in a war zone rather than return home to his wife. ”
At the moment, at the box office, Italy beats Hollywood Until before the release of Che bella giornata, the Italians were all at the first three places in the ranking of the proceeding with € 65 million: Benvenuti al Sud, La banda dei babbo natali e Natale in SudAfrica. Now, with the exploits of the film with Zalone and Manuale d’Amore 3, the first five collections of the season should be made in Italy. in the ranking of income. A golden year for Italian cinema.
Source: http://www.repubblica.it/spettacoli-e-cultura/2011/01/07/news/zalone_record-10943957/