This is a typical Italian liqueur which is now widely famous. This is the recipe to make it at home, since once you have tasted a home-made one, you will never be able to drink anything else!
Here’s what we need to prepare at home:
– 6 unwaxed lemons
– 1 / 2 litre of milk
– 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
– 350 g sugar
– 1 / 2 litre of alcohol at 90 °
Now proceed as follows:
Wash the lemons thoroughly and dry well, cut the peel, being very careful not to peel the white part away and place the zest in a sealed glass jar covered with alcohol. Let it soak for a week, then filtered and combine with the sweet syrup made by dissolving sugar and vanilla into the milk. Mix everything very well and boil for at least 10 minutes. At last filter the boiled cream and pour it in bottles of limoncello. Enjoy this delicate liqueur after at least a week resting.
Source: http://diariodeisapori.blogspot.com/2011/01/crema-di-limoncino.html