A week after the theft of the coffin of Mike Bongiorno from the cemetery of Dagnente, a district of Arona, there is only one certainty. The family of the famous presenter is determined not to yield to blackmail. “Dad is in heaven and not in that coffin,” said to have confided Michelino, one of three children of Mike, to his friends So far, however, neither he nor other family members have received requests for payment. “Signs that to take away the coffin has not been the unwary – the investigators point out – but people who wait, who know the dynamics of extortion.”
Waiting for a message from the thieves, the police provincial command of Novara and the Compagnia di Arona continue the investigation. The two testimonies (the bank employee who saw a car, maybe a Grande Punto, stopping in front of the cemetery with the lights on at 3:30 on Monday night and the pensioner who has heard a hammer beating at 4am) have proved the most reliable.
The cameras installed at the entrance of the cemetery did not pick up anything. “They have never worked,” admits the cemetery Idilio Calzavara, 72. Investigators have also denied that the thieves have taken possession of the tape recording of the plant. “We found it in its place – he explains – burnt by an old short-circuit …».
Of little help even the monitoring systems installed at a tollbooth. ‘It photographs plates of only those who pass without paying or taking the ticket, “said the police who has not given up on to other controls on toll highways in the area.

a have also analysed the various companies involved in the renovation and expansion of the cemetery of Dagnente. One of them, after winning the contract, would have had liquidity problems and even faced failure. “But they are routine checks” admit the investigators awaiting the results of the survey done by the police of Ris di Parma hoping that the investigation of biological fingerprint and provide them with a useful clue to unravel the mystery on Monday night. “Surely these are people who can use certain tools with great skill – explain the police – as demonstrated by the way they have acted: by removing the plaque without leaving a scratch and easily piercing the wall of protection.” The fingerprints of four gloved fingers were identified by experts in the Ris on the wall enclosing the cemetery from which the thieves dropped the coffin as confirmed by the remains of brick and splinters of wood discovered at that point.
Source: http://torino.repubblica.it/cronaca/2011/01/31/news/la_famiglia_di_mike_bongiorno_non_pagheremo_riscatti-11858021/?rss