Looking for the best mineral water in Italy? Here is the explanation and the list of the best bottled water available in the country.
Italian Natural mineral water, before being classified as flat or carbonated, is distinguished by its wealth of minerals. Given that, it can then be divided into four categories and this is where it should be chosen, according to the tastes and needs of each individual. In order not to pollute, ItaliaSquisita strongly advises to choose bottled water as close as possible to the place of residence, and mineral water in glass bottles, more convenient than recyclable plastics.
“Minimally mineralized ” water with the dry weight (value on label) of less than 50 mg / l.
These waters are “soft”, with scant presence of salts. It can be drunk in quantity because it does not have counter indications, or because they are tasteless, and therefore welcome in any occasion. Among the most quoted is the water Surgiva from Lunelli group.
“Low mineral ” water, which contains a dry weight between 50 and 500 mg / l of mineral salts. Even these mineral waters, very pleasant to taste , can be drunk in high quantities, as the salt intake is guarantee to be modest. Among these are the recommended Goccia di Carnia, Norda, Levissima and Vera.
“Mineral” water has a fixed dry residual naturally between 500 and 1500 mg / l. These waters provide a significant supply of minerals. Therefore, for every day use, you should choose those with a dry weight not exceeding 1000 mg / l to avoid excessive intake of salt in the diet. The mineral content often influences the taste that can be sometimes sour sometimes salty. Drinking water should therefore be alternated with different characteristics: Kaiser Wasser, Sangemini, Gaudianello are of high quality.
“Rich in minerals” water has a residual salt greater than 1500 mg / l and is usually, but not necessarily, curative. In any case, given the amount of saline, they must be drunk in limited quantities. Much appreciated is the water Tettuccio.
As regards to naturally sparkling “mineral” waters, Uliveto, Bracca, Balda and Plose must be noted. Sparkling waters, since generally carbonated, are not as good as the original versions, namely that which is extracted from the source. Therefore, in these cases you should prefer water which are naturally fizzy.
Info on all labels of Italian mineral water: www.acquaminerale.it
Source: http://www.italiasquisita.net/la-migliore-acqua-minerale-naturale-d%E2%80%99italia