VENICE, Italy. They have arrived by car right under Rai Broadcasting offices in Venice, Italy. It ‘s the “stunt” of four youths from Jesolo Beach, who have resulted being a bit drunk. Last night in Venice this event triggered an alarm over a feared terrorist attack. When in fact, at around 4.30 am, their grey Polo run over the bridge of Calatrava (the Glass Bridge) from Piazzale Roma, nobody knew what the real intentions of those who rode in the car were.
The four young men drove over the main street which runs from Piazzale Roma towards Venice train station of Saint Lucia, carried on and ended up in front of Palazzo Labia, the head office of Rai (the Italian state TV) in Venice. Here they got out and went walking around Venice. Once the police arrived they were found and brought back to their car.
They are four young men from Jesolo: the driver is 25 and the others are all in their twenties.
Source: http://nuovavenezia.gelocal.it/cronaca/2011/02/22/news/venezia-quattro-ragazzi-in-auto-fin-sotto-la-rai-3507643