It’s the idea of a young Milanese couple who do not want to give up their wedding ceremony. Walter and Elisa he is graduating in Economics and in the evening he works as a bartender, bartender and she is an office worker and a bartender at the weekends) to help pay for the wedding expenses have thought of looking for web companies willing to offer gifts or discounts in exchange for advertising on the Internet.
Elisa, who is also the mother of a child of seven said: “I needed a starting point for the economic wedding. I found it on the internet in an article that recounted the experiences of some American couples who were married in this way. As a first reaction, I laughed. but then I decided to try, I had nothing to lose. ”
So the 26 year old has started a blog and, after publishing the link on the dashboard of Facebook, asking friends to share it, in two weeks the first proposals by companies came: jewelers, photographers, looking for visibility. Thanks to the blog the wedding date has been set for June 18.
But not everything was as simple as it may seem, the couple said in fact that the responses to the initiative were not always positive. They very often happened also to receive negative reviews from those who thought that their idea was a way to take advantage of it and not just a marketing operation in solidarity.